个人简介:彭冲,男,汉族,河北定州人,中共党员,理学博士、博士后,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年于吉林大学地球科学学院获得地质学博士学位;于2017年11月至2021年11月,在吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院地球物理学学科(领域)从事博士后研究工作;于2021年12月至2023年12月,受国家留学基金委的资助,在英国爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)地球科学学院(School of GeoSciences)地球物理学学科(领域)从事博士后研究工作。现任山西师范大学华北板块成矿作用与动力学科研团队负责人。
8.青岛海洋地质研究所科技项目 “苏北盆地海相中-古生界含油气分析研究” (GZH200800503-WX02),2012/05-2013/04,100万,参加。
Peng, Chong; Pan, Baozhi; Xue, Linfu; Liu, Haiyan. Does the Liaoji granite represent basement in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt? Precambrian Research, 2021, 365: 106387.
Peng, Chong; Pan, Baozhi; Xue, Linfu; Ma, Yanni; Liu, Wenyu; Li, Tonglin; Liu, Haiyan; Zhu, Kai; Xu, Chunhui. Location of the tectonic boundary between the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt and the Archean Longgang Block in the Lianshanguan area, northeastern China. Precambrian Research, 2020a, 344:105762.
Peng, Chong; Xue, Linfu; Zhu Ming; Chai, Yuan; Liu, Wenyu. The location and evolution of the tectonic boundary between the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt and the Longgang Block, northeast China. Precambrian Research, 2016, 272: 18-38.
Peng, Chong; Pan, Baozhi; Xue, Linfu; Dai, Chuanqi; Liu, Haiyan; Zhu, Kai; Xu, Chunhui. Three-dimensional structural modeling and deformation analysis of Archean magnetite quartzite from the Anshan-Benxi area, northeastern China. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2020b, 6: 62.
Peng, Chong; Pan, Baozhi; Xue, Linfu; Liu, Haiyan. Geophysical survey of geothermal energy potential in the Liaoji Belt, northeastern China. Geothermal Energy, 2019, 7: 14.
Peng, Chong, Xue Linfu, Liu Zhenghong, Liu Haiyan, Application of the Non-seismic Geophysical method in the Deep Geological Structure Study of Benxi-Huanren Area. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2016, 9: 310.
Peng, Chong; Liu, Haiyan; Zhang, Ruiying; Jofrisse,Cremilda Samuel; Xue, Linfu; Pan, Baozhi. Geochronological and geochemical constraints on the granitic gneiss in the Huozhou Complex: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Acta Geochimica, 2023, 42(1): 153-181.
Liu, Haiyan; Peng, Chong*; Zhang, Ruiying; Kong, Dewei; Jofrisse, Cremilda Samuel; Xue, Linfu; Pan, Baozhi. Nature of the Two Episodes of Paleoproterozoic Magmatism (2495 Ma and 2190 Ma) in the Trans-North China Orogen, North China, with Implications for the Tectonic Evolution. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2023a, 99: 1747–1766.
Liu, Haiyan; Peng, Chong*. 2.7-Ga-old mafic dike in the Trans-North China Orogen of the North China Craton and its tectonic significance. Acta Geochimica, 2023b, 42: 1124–1129.
Liu, Haiyan; Peng, Chong*. Linfu Xue; WenQing Li; Chunhui Xu; Cremilda Samuel Jofrisse. Non-seismic geophysical analysis of potential geothermal resources in the Longgang Block, Northeast China. Earth and Planetary Physics, 2022, 6(6):576-591.